Doctor SearchOur Physician Referral Search is a listing of dermatologists treating patients with ichthyosis and related skin types, located in the United States. We encourage members to look for physicians within their region. Our list of physicians  have been recommended or directly involved with FIRST. We only offer a doctor’s name, address, and office phone number to a member who is seeking the referral.

Click Here to Start Your Search

Additional Resource

The Society for Pediatric Dermatology also has a physician finder:

Important notes:

  • If a physician is listed as “Pediatric Dermatology: American Board of Dermatology,” they have been trained in ichthyosis care.
  • For adult patients: most Pediatric Dermatologists only see children. However, some will see adults with ichthyosis, especially private practices. We recommend checking with the office in question.
If you are a physician who treats patients with ichthyosis and you would like to be added to our referral list, email the FIRST office, or follow this link to complete this form.
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