Grassroots Events (2024)
2nd Annual Cornhole Tournament
Thank you all so much for either coming out or supporting this event and the FIRST with donations! We truly appreciate it and are beyond blessed to have each and every one of you be a part of this incredible event! We are so appreciative of the Goff family and everything they did to help out this year, and all the competition they brought to the tournament.
Next up, the amount raised. Last year's event raised over $15,000 and I don't have a total amount as of yet for this year, but I am almost certain that we hit over $20,000!!! We don't have any words for that except for just a huge thank you, again and again and again.
I probably said this to a lot of you on Saturday, but for as important and beneficial the money raised is, I really hope we raised some awareness for the Ichthyosis community. I know we definitely did that to at least one person when I looked at the donation envelope that had "$25 from Park Guy". He stopped by, asked questions, and left hearing of a condition that he knew nothing about before.
We truly hope that everyone who attended was able to interact and meet someone affected with Icthyosis. The attached picture has 4 (Annie and Theo Goff, Randy Krall and Logan Schlitt) of the 6 total people that are affected and attended the event (Sorry Ellie and Julia, we will get you in it next year!). Sam and I's main goal for this event and I believe the Goff's as well is for everyone to be able to talk to and ask questions to those who are actually affected and gain a better understanding of what their day to day lives are like, and on top of that get to know them as just another person with an incredible personality and some funny stories along the way.
If you did not attend but still donated, we hope you can make it next year! We want to make this as large as possible and continue to raise awareness and advocate for the Ichthyosis community! Spread the word!"
Putting on a Show for FIRST .jpg)
Bailey Pretak held her annual birthday fundraiser “Bailey’s Broadway Birthday Bash” on Saturday, June 15, at The Royal in Ridgway, PA.
Pretak came up with the idea during the 2020 pandemic. Gatherings were limited when her birthday rolled around, so she asked several of her talented, musical theater-loving friends to record themselves singing their favorite Broadway tune. They submitted the videos and, on her birthday, everyone gathered virtually to watch the performances. The following year an in-person concert was held, and it has become an annual tradition since.
This year’s show featured performers that were a mix of professional musicians, college students studying musical theatre, and some of Tracie Pretak’s (Bailey’s mom) voice students. Guests paid for a ticket to the show and had the opportunity to bid on themed auction baskets. It was a great evening and Pretak was able to raise over $3,000 for FIRST!
THANK YOU to all our grassroots fundraisers!
Tips for Creative Fundraising:
- Remember people are eager to connect
- Everyone has different boundaries – allow for many choices in participation
- Food, entertainment, and information are universal draws
- Use technology to get the word out and tell your story
- Contact FIRST to build a fundraising page
To learn more about hosting a fundraiser Contact Denise Gass at FIRST