Testimonial Dinner - 2008
Dr. Eugene VanScott & Dr. Ruey Yu
February 1, 2008 ~ The Spire at Historic Sunset Station
On Friday evening, February 1, 2008, renowned dermatologist, Dr. Eugene Van Scott, and Dermatopharmacologist, Dr. Ruey Yu, were honored for their efforts on behalf of the Foundation. Drs. Van Scott and Yu are best known for the discovery of alpha hydroxy acids. They first discovered the unique skin care benefits of AHAs in 1974, through their research on inherited dry skin, medically termed ichthyosis. They collaborated for twenty years researching and developing AHA products prior to founding The NeoStrat
a Company in 1988, the medical community's recognized leader in alpha hydroxy acid formulations. FIRST honored these pioneers at a Testimonial Dinner at The Spire at Historic Sunset Station in San Antonio, Texas. Both doctors have been tirelessly committed to the Foundation and its patients for decades. The dinner was a tremendous success. Poignant tributes were given by Dr. Robert Auerbach and Dr. Eric Vonderheid. The families of both men shared in their evening.
The Board of Directors and the Foundation staff are extremely grateful to Dr. Van Scott and Dr. Yu for having allowed the Foundation to host this successful event in their honor. The event raised more than $60,000 for the Foundation.